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Case Study: Amatis

Web and Android / iOS Platform that Controls IoT Systems

A company building their platform "amatisControls" for integrate IoT solutions, wasn't addressing the technical debt accumulated due to production and infrastructure costs, so they decided to partner with MeltStudio 5 years ago...


Initial state


Some of our results

3 Developers

Team Size

6 months

Stablishing Time


IoT Devices

10 Private

Beta testers


Messages per min

The Challenge

Address Existing Technical Debt

in the web platform and refactor it with a modern JavaScript Tech Stack improving the performance and maintainability.


Our Solution

Enhancing Amatis' IoT Platform with Scalable Infrastructure

Web and Android / iOS Platform that Controls IoT Systems



Amatis required a sophisticated IoT platform overhaul to reduce infrastructure costs and manage accumulated technical debt, necessitating a partnership with MeltStudio.



MeltStudio re-engineered both web and mobile applications, enhancing UX/UI, and automating deployment processes to ensure scalability and performance.



The revamped apps were successfully launched, featuring robust infrastructure on Kubernetes and automated CI/CD pipelines, significantly boosting operational efficiency.

After getting customer feedback

There have been multiple improvements

Following customer feedback, Amatis and MeltStudio continuously refined the applications, introducing new features and enhancing system stability and user engagement.

Continuous development efforts have expanded Amatis's capabilities, supporting an increased device network and site operations while maintaining high performance.

Current state

“The Melt team is an extension of the internal Amatis team because of their personal investment with our product”


Rana Mohamed


Grow as quickly and vigorously as possible.

Melt’s best interest is to grow your business as quickly and as vigorously as possible. It’s a win-win situation!

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