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How to choose a Scalable, Fast, and Low-Cost Tech Stack for your Startup?

The Tech Stack is the combination of programming languages, frameworks, and tools that you use to build your product or service. But with so many options out there, how do you know which one is the best fit for your Startup?

2 Minutes Read  |  April, 2024  | Our FAQs

Focus on building the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

First step: Understand what you need. 

If you're building a web-based application or mobile app (or both) on a tight budget, the challenge lies in creating a high-quality product keeping costs low, so the key is finding a team of developers with the right skills and experience.

Building MVP: Development speed is crucial.

To get your prototype to market as quickly as possible, the tech stack must allow fast development and deployment. That being said, we consider using a JavaScript-based tech stack will help increase your chances of success.

PMF: Microservices Architecture

Easy scalability and management of different apps' features and components. Additionally, Agile Development Methodologies can maximize the Product Market-Fit faster by iterating in an easy, manageable, and scalable way.

What is the most in-demand Tech Stack for Startups?

To Maximize the chances of finding Product Market-Fit faster use a JavaScript, Next, and React Native Team, which allows the team to work on every part of the project using a single language, making communication and collabs more efficient and reducing the risk of compatibility issues.

 Using a JavaScript-based Tech Stack: 4 key factors

Open-Source Libs & Frameworks

To save time and money building the project.

Same language: JavaScript

Fast collaboration among the development team.

Next & React Native Team + TypeScript.

Both popular and well-documented frameworks.

Troubleshooting any issues easily

Code reuse/sharing between apps can save resources.

April, 2024

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